Chinese PV Module Shipment Ranking in H1 2024

Publish Time: 2024-09-03     Origin: Site


As the solar energy industry continues its rapid expansion, the leading Solar Module manufacturers have just released their highly anticipated financial results for the first half of 2024.  This year’s report unveils not only the shipment rankings of the top global factory but also reveals key trends shaping the market.  From TW Solar’s surprising debut in the TOP 5 to Canadian Solar’s impressive profitability, and LONGi’s bold strategic moves, the H1 2024 results provide valuable insights for industry insiders and investors alike.

Let’s dive into the details and explore What’s Next for the Solar Industry?

The day before yesterday, the Top 6 Solar module manufacturers all released their financial statements. Now let me review five indicators of the global Top 6 PV Module Factories by shipments volume in the first half of 2024!

Four Major Highlights of This Financial Report

1. TW Solar Makes Its Debut in the Top 5

During the last 5 years, this is the first time that TW Solar has entered the global Top 5. We strongly recommend you to pay more attention to this brand. 

Click Here Get TW Solar Panels Price List.

2. JA Solar: Stability Through Cycles

JA Solar is stable and reliable as always. It has been able to maintain a certain growth rate in the three major downturn cycles in 2008, 2018 and 2024. It has indeed practiced stability and reliability through its actions.

3. Canadian Solar: Profitability Leads the Pack

Canadian Solar is Out of the top five, but it is indeed the most profitable one among all other module brands. They do a good balance between shipment volume and profit.

4. LONGi’s Gamble on BC Technology

But for LONGi, ALL IN BC, is it right or wrong? Can it survive the cycle? Can Longi Solar Hi-MO 9 help LONGi regain Top 1?

What’s Next for the Solar Industry?

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