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Will Solar Panel Price Rise in September? A Deep Dive into Market Trends and Buying Opportunities

Views: 5000     Author: Michael     Publish Time: 09-06-2024      Origin: Site

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As we enter September, price fluctuations in the photovoltaic (PV) industry are drawing significant attention. Despite domestic silicon manufacturers issuing price increase notices, solar panel prices are unlikely to rise in the short term. This article will explain the reasons and highlight the optimal procurement period later this month.

Why Won’t Solar Panel Price Increase in September?

There are three main reasons why Solar Panel prices won’t see an increase in September:

1. Silicon Price Adjustments Have Limited Immediate Impact

Although leading domestic silicon material manufacturers have announced slight price increases today, this is mostly a strategic move aimed at boosting sales by creating the

 illusion of rising prices. Importantly, the transmission of silicon price hikes to PV module prices typically takes about a month, so we won’t see an immediate impact in September.

2. Silicon Price Changes as of Sep. 6

As of September 6, 2024, the prices of N-type silicon materials and granular silicon saw only minor fluctuations, indicating minimal market movement:

Silicon price change on September 6 (Unit: USD Per KG)


Highest Price

Lowest Price

Average Price

Price Change


N-type Silicon






N-type Granular Silicon






3. Major PV Manufacturers Have Announced Price Reductions

This week, major PV brands including LONGi, JA Solar, Trina Solar, Canadian Solar, and Jinko Solar all issued price reduction notices, lowering prices by around USD 0.014~0.028 per watt, resulting in an approximate 2% price drop.


Jinko Solar

Trina Solar



JA Solar

Price Drop







4. Production Overcapacity and Sales Pressure Continue

Despite challenging profitability for major PV manufacturers this year, overcapacity persists. It’s important to remember that September is the final month of the third quarter, meaning that brands are still in fierce competition for sales volume and market ranking. To boost shipment figures, manufacturers are likely to offer further discounts, driving down prices even more.

Key Opportunities in September

While Solar Panel prices aren’t expected to rise in September, there are still opportunities to seize this month:

1. Best Procurement Window: September 20-30

From September 20 to 30, there will be a prime procurement window. If payment and delivery can be arranged during this period, there’s a good chance of negotiating lower prices, making it the lowest price point of the year.

2. Price Increases Expected in October and November

Based on historical trends, PV module prices usually see slight increases in October and November, and this year the rise may be sharper. The reasons are:

A: By the end of September, manufacturers will have cleared their inventory, reducing stock pressure.

B: October typically sees lower sales pressure, easing the competitive environment.

C: After nine months of losses, manufacturers are likely to focus on profitability in the fourth quarter.

In conclusion, purchasing PV modules by the end of September is the best move to secure the lowest prices of the year.

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