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5-30kW Solar Power System Design Drawings Public Disclosure

Views: 3450     Author: Rachel     Publish Time: 06-07-2024      Origin: Site

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This article provides examples of solar power system design schemes for certain regions. Design variations may occur due to environmental and policy factors in different areas. For specific schemes, please consult us further.


solar system design

Project Overview

The average annual temperature at the project site is 3.4°C, with extreme temperatures ranging from a high of 42°C to a low of -41°C. The annual solar radiation at the optimal angle is approximately 5016MJ/m². The total installation area is about 48.72 square meters, with an installed capacity of 4.68kWp. The system uses 18 polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules of 260Wp each and connects to the 220V grid.

Project Overview

Solar Panel Layout

Software analysis indicates that there is no shading from 9 AM to 4 PM, ensuring at least seven hours of sunlight per day. The installation meets the load-bearing requirements of the factory roof. The concrete roof panels are installed facing south at an angle of 28°, while the metal roof panels are installed following the roof angle.

Solar Panel Layout

Main Equipment Selection and Installation

The system consists of solar photovoltaic modules, an inverter, an AC grid-connected distribution box, a monitoring system, a detection and control system, and related electrical materials and accessories.

1. Photovoltaic Modules This project installs 4.68kW using 18 polycrystalline silicon modules of 260Wp each. The modules are wired in two strings of 9 modules each. Parameters (for reference):

solar Installation

2. Grid-Tie Inverter The system uses one 5kW Growatt string inverter and one grid-connected metering box.

3. Photovoltaic Cables The PV string uses PV1-F-14mm² cables. The output from the 5kW inverter uses YJV 0.6/1.0kV 44mm² cables, and the grid-connected metering box output uses YJV 0.6/1.0kV 4*4mm² cables.


7.8kW solar system

Project Overview

The local average annual temperature is 3.4°C, with extreme temperatures ranging from a high of 42°C to a low of -41°C. The annual solar radiation at the optimal angle is approximately 5016MJ/m². The total installation area is about 48.72 square meters, with an installed capacity of 7.8kWp. The system uses 30 polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules of 260Wp each and connects to the 380V grid. The system is divided into two subsystems, which convert DC to AC via inverters. The total generated power is fed into the grid after passing through the AC grid-connected distribution box.

solar Project Overview

Project Overview

The local average annual temperature is 3.4°C, with extreme temperatures ranging from a high of 42°C to a low of -41°C. The annual solar radiation at the optimal angle is approximately 5016MJ/m². The total installation area is about 48.72 square meters, with an installed capacity of 7.8kWp. The system uses 30 polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules of 260Wp each and connects to the 380V grid. The system is divided into two subsystems, which convert DC to AC via inverters. The total generated power is fed into the grid after passing through the AC grid-connected distribution box.

Solar Panel Layout

Software analysis indicates that there is no shading from 9 AM to 4 PM, ensuring at least seven hours of sunlight per day. To maximize power generation, considering the annual climate and radiation conditions, the concrete roof panels are installed facing south at an angle of 28°, while the metal roof panels are installed following the roof angle.

Solar Panel array

Main Equipment Selection and Installation

The system consists of solar photovoltaic modules, an inverter, an AC grid-connected distribution box, a monitoring system, a detection and control system, and related electrical materials and accessories.

1. Photovoltaic Modules This project installs 7.8kW using 30 polycrystalline silicon modules of 260Wp each. The modules are wired in two strings of 15 modules each. Parameters (for reference):

poly solar panels

2. Grid-Tie Inverter The system uses one 8kW Growatt8000UE three-phase string inverter and one grid-connected metering box.

3. Photovoltaic Cables The PV string uses PV1-F-14mm² cables. The output from the 8kW inverter uses YJV 0.6/1.0kV 46mm² cables, and the grid-connected metering box output uses YJV 0.6/1.0kV 4*6mm² cables.


solar panel system

Project Overview

The average annual temperature at the project site is 3.4°C, with extreme temperatures ranging from a high of 42°C to a low of -41°C. The annual solar radiation at the optimal angle is approximately 5016MJ/m². The total installation area is about 114 square meters, with an installed capacity of 25kWp. The system uses 88 polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules of 270Wp each and connects to the 380V grid.

solar Projects

Solar Panel Layout

The sixth floor is approximately 7 meters higher than the third floor, and the west side of the third floor has a parapet. The system is installed on a sloped roof with an inclination angle of about 25 degrees. Software analysis indicates that there is no shading from 9 AM to 4 PM, ensuring at least seven hours of sunlight per day. The installation meets the load-bearing requirements of the factory roof.

solar modules array

Main Equipment Selection and Installation

1. Photovoltaic Modules This project installs 25kW using 88 polycrystalline silicon modules of 270Wp each. The modules are wired in four strings of 22 modules each. Parameters (for reference):

poly solar panels

2. Grid-Tie Inverter The system uses one 25kW Growatt string inverter and one grid-connected metering box.

3. Photovoltaic Cables The PV string uses PV1-F-14mm² cables. The output from the 25kW inverter uses YJV 0.6/1.0kV 316+110mm² cables, and the grid-connected metering box output uses YJV 0.6/1.0kV 316+1*10mm² cables.


solar panel solution design

Project Overview

The average annual temperature at the project site is 3.4°C, with extreme temperatures ranging from a high of 42°C to a low of -41°C. The annual solar radiation at the optimal angle is approximately 5016MJ/m². The total installation area is about 114 square meters, using half of the southern side of the roof, with an installed capacity of 30kWp. The system uses 110 polycrystalline silicon photovoltaic modules of 270Wp each and connects to the 380V grid.


Solar Panel Layout

The installation is on a sloped roof with an inclination angle of about 25 degrees. Software analysis indicates that there is no shading from 9 AM to 4 PM, ensuring at least seven hours of sunlight per day. The installation meets the load-bearing requirements of the factory roof.

solar module array

Solar Panel Layout

The installation is on a sloped roof with an inclination angle of about 25 degrees. Software analysis indicates that there is no shading from 9 AM to 4 PM, ensuring at least seven hours of sunlight per day. The installation meets the load-bearing requirements of the factory roof.

Main Equipment Selection and Installation

1. Photovoltaic Modules This project installs 30kW using 110 polycrystalline silicon modules of 270Wp each. The modules are wired in five strings of 22 modules each. Parameters (for reference):

poly solar panels

1. Grid-Tie Inverter The system uses one 33kW Growatt33000TL3-S string inverter and one grid-connected metering box.

2. Photovoltaic Cables The PV string uses PV1-F-14mm² cables. The output from the 25kW inverter uses YJV 0.6/1.0kV 316+110mm² cables, and the grid-connected metering box output uses YJV 0.6/1.0kV 316+1*10mm² cables.

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